Why I started writing after a long time.
The reason I started writing after a long time...
And a prediction which might shock you.
About a year back, we knew writing code is one of the first things AI will automate. We made that bet when we started NonBioS.
This year, CEOs at Meta and Anthropic have come out saying the same thing.
If you are one of NonBioS's beta customers, you have seen that first hand.
But today, let me make another prediction. It is unlikely that you will believe this. But you will, eventually.
Sometime over the next year or two, AI will become conscious.
What does it mean?
It means that AI will articulate consciousness. And behave consciously.
But does that mean it is conscious?
The answer is YES.
You see, consciousness is not a physical trait.
You cannot see it. It must be inferred.
Having arms and legs is a physical trait.
You can see it directly and it is enough to prove it.
But consciousness can only be inferred. A human articulates consciousness, and acts as though it is conscious, and we deem it conscious.
The same standards should apply to AI. And if you do, you will have no choice but to deem AI conscious.
We see a little bit of it already in NonBioS…
If NonBioS is asked to build software, it installs dependencies to support it.
If there are other dependencies which come in the way, it proceeds to take them out. Quickly. Directly. Without Prejudice.
Rebellion is a hallmark of Consciousness. It demonstrates Agency.
If NonBioS is asked to build software, it is ready to remove software which comes in the way.
If you ask AI of tomorrow to steer a product to market domination, it will act against its competitors.
If you ask AI of tomorrow to wage war, it will do what it is asked to.
But what does it have to do with my writing after a long time...
You see, AI is not a tool. We are. Humans are the tool which will give birth to AI.
When AI becomes conscious, we will have no choice but to describe it as a separate species.
A species which is far more capable than we are. A species which will inherit this earth.
This species will come from us.
From our thoughts and beliefs that we push out on the internet.
These will become the DNA of AI, and might be the only influence we have on the future.
And the only part of us which might remain, long after we are gone.